Yi Junzuo

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    Yi Junzuo (1898-1972), famous master Yue, pen name Kang Tao Fu, Yiyuan, literary name Sanxiang Ci。Today, Hanshou County Chengguan Town, grandparents and grandchildren three generations of both civil and military, hair and strings continued, grandfather Yi Peishen, official to the chief envoy, is the Qing Xianfeng Tongzhi years famous Confucian general。Father Yishunding poetry is brilliant, look at the world, and Fan Zengxiang name, for the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of two major poets。

  Yi Junzuo childhood school (invited teachers to teach at home), 10 years old with his father Duanzhou, in addition to the education of famous teachers, his father also personally taught him to write poetry。Soon, Shun Ding changed the official Gaoyang Lei road, and with his mother, sister back to Hanshou。After the Revolution of 1911, he went to study in Changsha, the provincial capital, and completed his studies from primary school to middle school in Mingde School in less than 3 years。His father went to Beijing as an official and went north to Beijing No. 4 Middle School。After school, often with his father to Jiangxi museum to participate in the Hanshan poetry Society poetry bell assembly, between Wang Ren Qiu, Chen Baochen, Yan Fu, Liang Qichao, only ten years old Jun left, sandwiched in a group of learned old scholars, great talent, actually twice selected the poem clock "champion", won the favor of the famous public。Once the poetry society in the form of "cage gauze" proposition, with "inch, rickshaw driver" Fu, he blurted out: "The heart of the grass spring Mo newspaper, soft dust all the way as flying.。The above sentence is the Tang people "who occupy the inch grass heart, reported three chunhui" poetic, the next sentence wrote Beiping rickshaw driver ran particularly fast, for everyone to appreciate, rated as the first choice。Another time, Fan Zengxiang gave a lecture, the bell title "thinking of receiving" six songs, that is, the two words "thinking of receiving" were embedded in the sixth word of the seventh sentence, and he impromptu and gave "Entering the dynasty Snake Emperor taste of noble, drinking pig monk cry to be born".。The first sentence uses the story of Emperor Gaozu of Han, and the next sentence adopts the story of Journey to the West, which is natural and free and won the crown again。

  After graduating from middle school, Yi entered Peking University。After graduating from university, he moved east to Japan and studied political economy at Waseda University。In 1918, he was deported to China because he and Zeng Qi founded the "Hua Ying News Agency" and saved the country against Japan。Undiminished in spirit, he returned to Peking University and participated in the May Fourth Movement。Soon he joined the Youth China Society initiated by Li Dazhao and others, and published many papers on sociology。He lashed out at China's feudal autocracy, pointed out that family autocracy is the foundation of feudal autocracy, proposed to break all kinds of feudal ethics, break all kinds of restraints, and easily build a young China。These views contributed to the ideological Enlightenment at that time。However, he unconsciously slipped into anarchism, and with Zhu Qianzhi and others organized an anarchist society, "Struggle Society", founded the "Struggle" magazine。Yi Junzuo's anarchist views were criticized by Chen Duxiu, Li Da and others, and he was expelled from the Young Chinese Society。In 1921, he joined the Literary Research Association, the first new literary group in China。In the summer of the same year, he went to Japan to continue his studies and graduated in 1923 with a master's degree。After returning to one's country,Yi Jun Zuo is a faculty member of China Public School in Shanghai and editor of Tai Dong Book Company,Worked with Guo Moruo, Cheng Fangwu, Yu Dafu, etc,Published a collection of poems and stories "West Lake","The Lost Soul" in the collection,Write about the wandering life of several literary young people in the Jiangnan area,Like a lost soul,You're messing around with them,Sketch it out in fine detail,To reflect that turbulent time and that dirty society。In 1924, Yi Junzuo left Shanghai and went to Anqing to become a teacher of Anhui Public Law and Administration School。In the same year, he went to Changsha, joined the Kuomintang, and returned to Hanshou the following year to run a league defense, and founded a county library and stadium。In 1926, Yi Junzuo surrendered his pen and joined the military, serving as the director of the Political Department of the 40th Army of the National Revolutionary Army and the Standing Committee of the Special Party Department of the Kuomintang。In 1927, he was the editor of the General Political Department of the National Revolutionary Army, and the following year he was the secretary of the Hubei Political Committee。In 1929, he became Major General and propaganda chief of Qingxiang Committee Headquarters in Hunan Province。In the following year, he was the president of Hunan National Daily and founded Changsha Evening News.。He later became a professor at National Anhui University and president of the National Daily of Anhui Province。In 1932, at the invitation of Zhou Fohai, he became the director of the editing office of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education。In Zhenjiang for 6 years, for the national Renaissance and reform to do a lot of work。He initiated the establishment of Jiangsu Literature and Art Society, and served as the president, and hosted the monthly magazine "Tianfeng" and "Literary Youth" ten-day issue。He advocated the establishment of the "Tianfeng Drama Club" to adapt old dramas and create new ones。After the outbreak of the War of resistance, he personally led an anti-enemy propaganda team and went to various places to carry out propaganda in the countryside。However, during this period, it also caused a sensational national pen and ink lawsuit。“一.28 "After the national disaster, Yi Junzuo moved to Yangzhou with the education Department, witnessed the local customs and practices, and wrote a book" Gossip Yangzhou ", published by Shanghai Zhonghua Book Company。The book in the description of the social life of Yangzhou inadequate language, has caused a xuan ran storm, and the couplet on this matter: "Yi Jun left gossip in Yangzhou, provoked Yangzhou gossip, Yi Jun, left Yi;President Lin Zichao's government, re-elected President of the government, Lin Zi, detached。Once read, its reputation is better than before。

  After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Yi Junzuo hosted Hunan National Daily.。Soon, Yu Dafu in the advice of friends from Hankou refuge in Changde, after Yi Junzuo arranged to move to Hanshou county。Yi Junzuo often found time to accompany Yu Dafu from Changsha back to Hanshou, to visit scenic spots and historic sites, to compose poems, and to leave a few verses that were recited for a while, such as "Jia Junzuo learning art and Yi Huang's female companions, the South Lake, the exhibition of tombs, late to Xilushan Mountain, the next day" :

Rongma leisure temporary rest machine (Yu), Nanhu clear dew wet load clothing (easy)。
Collecting Ling children song Qingyue, exhibition tomb Yuqiao words decline (Yu)。
Ten li wave light flow summer, two ships temples shadow carrying incense return (easy)。
Lu Yangge can swing the day, for hanging Zhang Dian temple leaf (Yu)。

  In the autumn of 1938, Yi Junzuo moved to Chongqing with his family。Soon, from his own situation of being displaced in Sichuan, he thought of Du Fu in the Rebellion of An and Shi, and compiled Du Fu's Theory of Jin, and published it。After being recommended by friends, he went to Chengdu to become the director of the compilation office of Sichuan Provincial Government。He founded "New Sichuan Monthly" and "Sichuan National Daily" and served as president of both。He personally wrote papers for newspapers and periodicals, reported the news of the war of resistance ahead, encouraged the national morale, and he had extensive contacts with cultural figures who had taken refuge in Chengdu or Chengdu nationality, such as Li Huang, Lao She, Zhu Ziqing, Zhang Daqian。Zhu Ziqing, who taught at the Southwest United University, returned to Chengdu on vacation, and Yi Junzuo often discussed literature with him, and once gave him a poem called "Occasional Cheng" : "Drizzle Chengdu Road, dust protects fallen flowers.。According to the door to support the ancient wood, around the house。People close the market at dusk, tea in the morning。Chengping flavor foot, only Chu raging contempt!Zhu Ziqing praised the poem describing Chengdu's delicate and friendly atmosphere, and asked it to be easy to write a banner as a souvenir。During this period, Yi Junzuo wrote a large number of poems praising the Anti-Japanese War ahead, and published "Renchuan Yin" and "Qingcheng Collection".。He served as a full-time member of the Design Committee of the General Political Department of the Military Committee until the end of the War of Resistance。

  Yi Junzuo misunderstood and prejudiced communism in his thoughts。1945年,重庆谈判后,在重庆文化战线,革命文艺界与国民党御用文人,围绕着毛泽东《沁园春.Snow, in the form of singing, is engaged in a hand-to-hand struggle。Yi Junzuo, who believed that he was skilled in ci learning, threw out his first song and ci in Heping Daily on December 4。The preface corrects the life of "the whole people" and calls on "the Ci writers of the world" to encircle and annihilate。In the poem, the revolutionary forces were compared to "killing officials Huang Chao and pitting soldiers Bai Qi", hoping to extinguish the revolutionary fire。Guo Moruo and his words have "the sound of the parrot turned jiao, and the style of the" Yangzhou gossip "waist", and the opposite。After that, Yi Junzuo returned to Nanjing and became the vice president and editor-in-chief of the supplement of Shanghai Peace Daily, advocating national literature with Luo Dunwei, the president of the newspaper。In 1948, he was transferred to the president of Lanzhou Peace Daily and a professor at Northwest University。Two years later, he resigned and returned to Shanghai, founded the New Hope weekly magazine, and actively advocated anti-communism。

  Went to Taiwan at the end of 1949。The next year to Hong Kong, due to financial difficulties, "the family moved from place to place like a ferry"。In 1951, he finally found a permanent position as editor-in-chief of the supplement of Sing Tao Daily in Hong Kong。In 1959, he taught at Hong Kong Baptist College。During this period, he published his memoirs "Children of the Great Lake", "Burning Zhao Jialou", "Thirty Years of Returning to Dreams", etc., and published a collection of classical poems "Selected Poems of Yi Jun Left".。He returned to Taiwan in 1967 to live with his son, who was in the Navy。He participated in the activities of the "Chinese Poetics Research Institute", and went to Southeast Asia, Singapore, Malaysia and other places to meet with overseas Chinese poets, and published his last travel book "Yi Junzuo Selected Works".。He died in March 1972。

    Works by Yi Junzuo


    National pulse such as silk, leaves fall flowers fly, stem broken peng floating。Pain have vientiane, call negative, the vast feeling, this gushing。Kill the official Huang Chao, pit soldiers white rise, a few see the higher the way of demons。Ming God, fragmented, buried enchanting。 Hard to store gold gjiao, Renye state demon rong learn thin waist。See Dahan lone smoke, alive capture Jie Li, beauty vanilla, dead "Li SAO"。A read uneven, a thousand years of merit, history selfless fine carving。Just dawn, and long night, more to the Ming Dynasty。

Return to Hanshou hometown

Golden ox mountain shade green onion, wash the ink pool before the old trace。
Six generations of luxury crow back cold, nine sides of the red beacon fire。
Flower gouge sage fairy state, crane son plum wife wind。
Dao left children know more about me, lake lotus still from love township thick。

Present to fellow villager

Thousands of households thousands of doors to Dongting, rice fragrant fish beautiful trees green。
Chu Ming sorrowful orphaned port, Han Jue lofty left a pavilion。
Country taste strong like wine, friendly friendship can be like a star。
Kaige Ming re-opened the banquet, the car stopped on the flower guli。

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